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Welcome to Visalia Unified School District!

We believe and are committed to all students achieving at high levels and demonstrating continuous growth.

Established in 1885, Visalia Unified School District (VUSD) is the oldest school district in Tulare County.

Our services span 36.3 square miles with a population base of over 140,000. Our unified schools include 27 elementary schools, five middle schools, four comprehensive high schools, a continuation high school, an adult school, a charter independent study school, a K-8 charter home school, a charter technical early college high school, and a preschool.

Visalia Unified also operates a Family & Community Resource Center that provides wraparound services like transportation, language translation, and much more center. In addition to a traditional curriculum, students have access to dual enrollment opportunities with community colleges, dual immersion in Spanish and English curriculum programs, after school learning opportunities. Over 32,000 students, pre-k to adult, access education through our Visalia Unified School District.

Interesting facts:

  • Over 4,000 certificated and classified staff.
  • Actual Daily Attendance rate over 97%.
  • 94% of all HS students are enrolled in three or more college prep. courses.
  • Our buses drive over 1,000,000 miles each year.
  • Our custodial crews clean 2,999,507 square ft. daily.
  • We serve over four million meals each year.