Retirement Services
Invest in Your Future Today!
As a public school employee and a CalSTRS or CalPERS member, you’re eligible for lifetime retirement benefits based on your service credit, your final compensation, and your age at retirement.
If you’re like most school employees your retirement benefit won’t be enough. Approximately 40% of American workers don't have the necessary funds to retire comfortably. Depending on your desired retirement lifestyle, you may need anywhere from 60% to 100% of your current income to maintain your current standard of living.
Did you know...
A 403(b) or 457(b) Plan can help you close any gap between your retirement income goal and retirement benefits. All employees are eligible to save additional money for retirement in the District's 403(b) or 457(b) Plan. These plans allow employees to save additional funds for retirement on a pre- and post-tax basis. Participation is voluntary and eligible employees can participate in one or both plans up to the current IRS maximum.
Learn more about the 403(b) and 457(b) plans:
Learn more about the CalPERS plan:
Learn more about the CalSTRS plan: