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Student Records


Student Enrollment

Please allow 3-5 business days to process transcript requests.

Who Has Access

(Ed. Code Section 49063)

You are hereby notified of your rights and responsibilities as a parent/guardian of a child enrolled in Visalia Unified School District. (Ed. Code Section 48980)

Pupil records maintained by the Visalia Unified School District consist of personal identifying information, subjects taken, grades received standardized test results, attendance record, and health record. Pupil records are maintained at each school where the pupil is attending. The school principal or his/her designee is responsible for maintaining each type of pupil record and the information contained therein. The green folder containing special education information, the confidential file containing psychological information, and the red folder containing 504 information are kept in the Student Services Department in a locked file.

Parents/Guardians have a right to review and challenge the contents of their child's records. (Ed. Code Sections 49069-49070)

How to Access

Parents, legal guardians, or students at least 16 years old or have completed the 10th grade may look at or obtain copies of requested records by visiting the student's school site. 

If requesting psychological testing files, please visit our Student Services Department located at the District Education Complex at 5000 West Cypress, Visalia.  You will be required to provide identification verifying your relationship with the student.  You will be asked to fill out and sign a short form before being given access to records. 

While looking at a student's files please note items you wish to copy.  You may be charged a small fee for each copy.

Online Transcript Request 

Click here to submit a transcript request for students that have graduated from a VUSD High School.

For additional information, please call VUSD Student Services: (559) 730-7588

  • IF YOU ARE A CURRENT VISALIA USD STUDENT - Contact your school office directly to obtain a transcript.  Do not complete the form.
  • THIS FORM IS FOR Visalia USD Students from grades 9 through 12 only. If you are looking for a Visalia Adult School Transcript, please click here
  • TIME REQUIRED TO PROCESS THIS REQUEST CAN BE UP TO 5 BUSINESS DAYS. You will receive a phone call or e-mail when your transcript is ready to be picked up. (Our office is currently closed to the public, all requests will be mailed or emailed at this time)
  • If the form is not complete or has incorrect information, the request will not be processed.

Requesting 504 or SST Records

Visalia Unified School District uses BeyondSST to maintain all of our 504 records and SST documents. If your district utilizes BeyondSST please request the records through the transfer request in the software. For districts that do not utilize BeyondSST please send requests for 504 documents to Tanisha Reynolds, Special Projects Technician (559) 730-7588. For districts that do not utilize BeyondSST please send requests for SST and 504 documents to the student's last school of attendance.