Special Education
Special education is a system of services specifically designed to address the educational and related developmental needs of children with disabilities.
This includes early intervention services for pre-school students starting at age three, services for school-age children in grades K-12, and transition services for eligible students up to the age of 22.
Special education is designed to ensure that students with disabilities are provided the necessary services and supports that allow them equitable opportunities in accessing their education.
Child Find
The Visalia Unified School District seeks to identify, locate, and evaluate children suspected of having a disability who may be eligible for special education services designed to meet their educational needs at no cost to families. This includes highly mobile children, migrant children, children experiencing homelessness, children who are wards of the state and children attending private schools located within VUSD boundaries, regardless of where they reside. All other children must live in the VUSD attendance area.
For more information, click here.
Community Advisory Committee & Parent Information Sessions
We would like to encourage families to participate in our county’s Community Advisory Committee (CAC), hosted by the Tulare County SELPA. For more information, visit: https://www.tulareselpa.org/cac
Click here to see a list of upcoming Community Advisory Committee (CAC) topics and guest speakers.
Request for Special Education Records
If you need to request your students' Special Education records, please contact our Director of Special Education, Gina Fabrizio and our Senior Administrative Assistant, Marbella Gomez.
(559) 730-7581
Expanded Staff Website
Please see our expanded website for additional information.
Expanded Community Website
Please see our expanded website for additional information.