Linked Learning Academies
What Is Linked Learning?
Linked Learning is a successful approach to education based on the idea that students work harder and dream bigger if their education is relevant to them. The Linked Learning approach integrates rigorous academics that meet college-ready standards with sequenced, high-quality career-technical education, work-based learning, and supports to help students stay on track. For Linked Learning students, education is organized around industry-sector themes. The industry theme is woven into lessons taught by teachers who collaborate across subject areas with input from working professionals and reinforced by work-based learning with real employers. This makes learning more like the real world of work and helps students answer the question, “Why do I need to know this?”
Linked Learning exposes high school students to previously unimagined college and career opportunities by turning their education into a personally relevant, engaging experience. Research shows that Linked Learning students have higher rates of engagement and higher graduation rates than their peers at traditional high schools. This approach to education is helping to create a disciplined, prepared, and productive future workforce, ready to succeed in college, career, and life.
Linked Learning Pedagogy
Linked Learning Resources
Linked Learning Academies at El Diamante High School
Media Arts Academy
El Diamante High School's Media Arts Academy allows students to experience high school in a new, different, and innovative form. The Academy engages students by teaching them about the basic workflow and opportunities in the Film and Television industry. Students learn about and practice the jobs in all three stages of filmmaking (pre-production, production, and post-production). While learning about Pre-Production, students learn how to brainstorm ideas, write scripts, create shot lists and storyboards, and plan shoot days. In Production, students learn how to properly and creatively use various cameras and camera equipment. When students study Post-Production, they learn how to edit films using the industry-standard application Avid Media Composer. Students also have free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud suite and will be taught graphic design basics. In Media Arts 1 and 2, students will also learn about prop making, costume and make-up design, creating lookbooks and pitch bibles, and set creation and design. Students are supported with resources and instruction by offering linked learning classes, one-on-one counseling, after-school tutoring, free use of all equipment, dual-enrollment opportunities, and the opportunity to leave high school with a certification relevant to the Film and Television industry.
Academy Coordinator: Nancy Nauman
Academy Lead Teacher: Spencer Carr
Sports Therapy, Rehabilitation, Orthopedics, and Neuromuscular Gains (STRONG) Academy
Students enrolled in El Diamante High School's Sports Therapy, Rehabilitation, Orthopedics, and Neuromuscular Gains (STRONG) Academy will advance their understanding in these various medical and sports science areas including, but not limited to, injury prevention, injury treatment, performance-based body and muscle development, management of illness and injury, as well as the preservation of mental and physical well-being. These areas of study will focus on athletics and life by studying several medical sciences: Biology, Kinesiology, Chemistry, Anatomy, and Physiology.
Academy Coordinator: Nancy Nauman
Academy Lead Teacher: Tina Guzman
Linked Learning Academies at Golden West High School
Business & Finance Academy
The Business and Finance Academy is an academic program that integrates a core curriculum (English, social science, and science) focusing on careers in business and entrepreneurship. Students will be introduced to foundational concepts in business, including banking, marketing, finance/stock market, graphic design, accounting, entrepreneurship, and management. Career speakers, business mentors from the community, and internships are necessary experiences, along with college visits and industry tours. Students will also have dual enrollment in college coursework and earn college credit as high school students.
Academy Coordinator: Kimberlie Tyler
Academy Lead Teacher: Juan Lopez-Meza
First Responders Academy
The First Responders Academy at Golden West High School is designed to provide students with a four-year opportunity to experience public safety careers in firefighting, emergency medical services, and various law enforcement fields. Students are engaged with relevant real-world work-based learning experiences with community and business partners. The First Responders Academy is aligned with college-preparatory core courses to provide all students with the skills to be college and career-ready upon graduation from high school.
Academy Coordinator: Kimberlie Tyler
Academy Lead Teacher: William Wilson
Linked Learning Academies at Mt. Whitney High School
Computer Science Academy
The Computer Science Academy allows students to learn how to create new technologies and not simply use them. The Academy focuses on software design and development, making sense of code, learning different programming languages, and information technology (IT). The Academy also develops computational and critical thinking skills necessary for life after high school, regardless of the student's chosen field or occupation. Students graduating from the Computer Science Academy will be prepared to take the next step to a career in technology.
Academy Coordinator: Paul Preheim
Academy Lead Teacher: Randy Nelson
Health Sciences Academy
The Health Science Academy is affiliated with Linked Learning and Project Lead the Way (PLTW). It offers students interested in a health-related occupation an exciting opportunity to explore their passion beginning in high school. Students in the Health Science Academy will complete a rigorous high school program to help prepare them for career and educational opportunities in the healthcare field. Students in the academy complete English, science, and career-themed courses together as a cohort, and these courses include integrated projects that help students come to a thorough understanding of the topics related to health care. Students will have the opportunity to pursue college credit through dual enrollment and health industry certifications.
Academy Coordinator: Matt Kuhn
Academy Lead Teacher: Tim Perrotta
Linked Learning Academies at Redwood High School
Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE) Academy
The Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (A.C.E.) Academy provides students with architecture, construction management, and engineering coursework. This four-year program combines high-level integrated academics, on-site laboratory experiences, workplace partnerships, study programs, and college opportunities. An emphasis is placed on project-based learning, rigor, and relevance to the A.C.E. industry. Students will work with industry partners in school-based projects that will help ensure students are college and career-ready.
Academy Coordinator: Chris Frankland
Academy Lead Teacher: Ryan Blair
Law & Justice Academy
Redwood High School's Law and Justice Academy seeks to improve students' reading, writing, critical thinking, and speaking skills. This is done through an intensive academic curriculum that uses the law, its origins, purpose, use, and significant historical cases as a framework to develop well-rounded, self-aware, community-conscious, and proactive citizens.
Academy of Coordinator: Roy Orosco
Academy Lead Teacher: Sal Cazarez