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Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Programs


Student Enrollment

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is available at all elementary schools in the Visalia Unified School District (VUSD) for the 2025-2026 school year.

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten, offering a developmentally appropriate curriculum tailored for younger learners.

VUSD Program Design

TK will be available to all eligible students residing within VUSD boundaries. Key features of the program include:

  • Full-day program
  • Meals, recess, and activities with TK peers
  • Located at all elementary schools to serve families district-wide
  • Led by fully credentialed and experienced teachers

Curriculum Design

The TK curriculum is based on the California Preschool Learning Foundations and focuses on the following areas:

  • Play-based and social-emotional learning to develop kindergarten readiness skills
  • Pre-academic skills in literacy, numeracy, and cognitive development
  • Physical development, including fine and gross motor skills
  • Social and emotional growth in a supportive environment
  • Language development to enhance communication and comprehension skills

Transitional Kindergarten in VUSD

  • TK is part of California's public school system and is free for all eligible students.
  • The program allows children to learn and grow alongside peers of the same age.
  • Teachers use the Desired Results Developmental Profile Assessment (DRDP) to monitor each child’s progress. View the DRDP 2015
  • After completing TK, students are promoted to kindergarten.

Building Family Partnerships

At VUSD, strong communication between home and school is key to student success. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s education by supporting learning at home, volunteering in the classroom, and staying involved.

Teachers provide regular updates and maintain open communication with families.

Learn more about how to become a volunteer in VUSD. Complete our volunteer application process.

Apply to be a Volunteer

Who Do We Serve

Beginning in the 2025-2026 school year, TK will be expanded to include all 4-year-olds in California. Eligible children can start TK based on the following birth date ranges:

2025-2026 school year:

Children born between September 2, 2020, and September 1, 2021

Enter your students date of birth to find out if they are eligible to enter Preschool for the 2025-26 school year starting in August.


Some sites operate as a TK blended site, requiring families to meet with our Early Learning Department to provide additional documentation for their child's TK enrollment. Through this process your child will benefit from extra adult assistance in their classroom.

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