Measure E 2012
Measure E Information
What is Measure E?
Measure E is a general obligation bond for Visalia Unified School District that was passed on the November 6, 2012 ballot. Measure E is not projected to increase the current property tax rate, but will provide local dollars to maintain VUSD facilities at the level our students and community deserve and have come to expect.
Measure E will generate $60.1 million dollars that can be matched by State funds to bring needed improvements to all VUSD schools over 10 years old, as well as relieve overcrowding by constructing classrooms and building a new middle school. In total, Measure E will help fund over $120 million in modernization and new construction projects. These funds cannot be taken by the State nor can they fund salaries or benefits. All funds will be used for facilities and will be monitored by an Independent Citizen’s Oversight Committee.
Measure G, approved by the voters in 1999, will be fully repaid over the next four years. Currently, property owners pay about $30 per $100,000 of assessed value on an annual basis with their property tax bill. Measure E is not projected to increase that cost as new bonds will be issued when the old bonds are repaid.
For more information and to learn more about the types of projects that will be funded with Measure E dollars, please see the documents below or call Robert Groeber, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services at 559-730-7529 or email at
Measure E Bond Sales Results (Series 2013)
Related Links
Measure G Refunding Bond Documents