Insurance Claim Information
As soon as a site discovers a loss, the principal is to notify the Facilities Department via email. A Theft & Vandalism or Fire & Water Damage report will be sent to complete. Any and all information received is used to create and submit the property loss report to our insurance company. Please CC Angel Garcia on all Service Tickets to ensure he is aware of any repairs/reimbursements for the Maintenance and Custodial departments.
Please include Director of Facilities, Steve Pena and Kevin Mayes, HRD Risk Management on all emails.
If the loss includes tech equipment, include Chuck Boone, Tech Services.
If the loss includes a vehicle, please also include Brent Stewart, Transportation.
If any photos are taken of the incident, please forward them to Angel Garcia and Steve Pena for documentation.
Invoice - VUSD Maintenance Department for Property Loss Reimbursements
Invoice - VUSD Custodial Department for Property Loss Reimbursements
Fire and Water Damage Report Form
Theft & Vandalism Report Form FILLABLE